Friday, October 14, 2011

Google Planning an MP3 Store

Five months after it introduced a cloud music service with limited capabilities, Google is about to expand that service and open an MP3 store that would compete with Apple and Amazon.
Google is eager to open the store in the next several weeks. It would most likely be connected to Google’s existing cloud service, Music Beta, which lets people back up their songs on remote servers and stream them to mobile phones and other devices.
Google may be hoping to announce its store before Apple opens its latest cloud music program, iTunes Match. But it is not clear whether Google would be able to close the necessary deals with labels and music publishers in time to open a full-service store.
Music Beta was announced five weeks after Amazon opened a similar unlicensed service, Cloud Drive.
Apple got licenses for iTunes Match, which will instantly link a user’s songs to Apple’s master collection. With an unlicensed service, users must upload each song individually, a process that can take hours or even days.

Posted by : Sree

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