Saturday, September 29, 2012

Post to Google+ Page Directly from Blogger

Blogger now integrates deeper with Google+.

You can now directly share a blog post to a Google+ page that you own, immediately after you post a blog post. 

To associate the Google+ page, to blogger simply login to your blogger account and click on the Google+ link on the left panel. See below.

Select the Google+ page that you want to link with your blog. You can continue with your individual G+ profile also. 

Next time when you post a new blog, blogger will prompt you to share it on Google+

YouTube - Google+ Integration

Google integrates YouTube with Google+. All users can switch their YouTube names to Google+ profile name. 

Next time when you sign in to YouTube (Sign in directly to YouTube, not just clicking YouTube link from Gmail or any other Google product that you are logged in) it will prompt you to use your full name on the site. This feature will not change the link to your channel, and you can use your current username for login.
If you dont like to switch, you can continue with your current YouTube name also. 

Once you complete switching process, you YouTube account will start showing Google+ notification, and Share options on the top, just like Google and Gmail. You can directly share the current playing video to Google+ just by clicking the G+ Share button in YouTube.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Make Profile Photo Un-clickable on Facebook

Do you know how to make your Facebook profile photo un-clickable? Let's see..

  • Goto your Facebook Photos
  • Click on Profile Photos Album
  • Select your Current Profile Picture from the album
  • Click on Edit

  • Change Public to Only Me
  • DONE....!!!